Monday, February 24, 2014

Let's Bucket this Bitch!

So I claimed at the beginning of the semester that I would rapidly check off the items to my self-made Tucson Bucket List. I've been trying aggressively to document all of these moments.

Thus far I have market off I have accomplished most of number 1, 4, 5, 6, and 9 mostly. The first one is a work in progress, five month progress. And I have made a few exceptions to the others. I did not watch the sunset, but I did hike Mount Lemon! And I went to the Rodeo Parade, but did not attend the Rodeo because I got the flu! I know so depressing.

But as I've been marking off each item on my bucket list, I've been discovering a whole new side of Tucson I never knew existed! I feel like a tourist in my own town, which is what keeps things interesting, but I just feel like a slacker for not discovering these things earlier in my college career.

The past two weeks have been stressful as all get out. Between the Jackpot Show, recovering from the Jackpot Show, tests, homework piling up, work, the flu, and a million other things in my life I think I need to just take a second to catch my breath. I think I need to spend a day, eh maybe a weekend, enjoying myself Tucson tourist style. I think I can check a few more items off my list, take a dozen more pictures, and create a thousand new memories.

The Rodeo parade was kind of great, but I was this close to seeing Kansas and I missed him because I haven't let myself take a breather in...well forever.

Hiking Mount Lemon was beautiful and I was with amazing people, but it felt like I was consuming the generic brand crap when I'm so used to the name brand... I think The Band Perry says it right, it's like a postcard from Paris when I've seen the real thing. The sky was endless, the mountains amazing, the air was so clear, and it was truly beautiful, but all I could think about on the top of that mountain is why there aren't taller mountains around it still covered in snow, why isn't it more green, or colder, or more breath taking. Something about living in one of the most beautiful towns on earth spoils you! Nothing is quite as amazing as seeing the snow melt off of Long's Peak day after day, or the sunset over Moraine Meadow, or the endless stars from Bear Lake.

The more I think I don't miss Estes, the more I wish I was there right now. Sometimes in life you have to make these rash decisions and do stupid things and I think I've been doing that a lot lately. But I think I need to start making rash decisions and doing stupid things in the direction of a plan for after graduation and my mental stability. So, I think I'm gonna head home to Estes for Spring Break. Who's with me?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

No One Remembers the Nights They Got Enough Sleep!

More things could not have happened in the last seven days!!!

This has been the week from the 7th level of Hell, on the top shelf, in the back room where they put all of life's failures and poor life choices!

The week started good with the Suits College Tour and ton of friend time. But then as the Jackpot Show got a little closer, my stress level increased times 100,000,000,000,000.... it was rough.

Finally it's Set up day! After getting very little sleep the night before I spent the entire day at the farm setting up for the show. After a two hour intermission, I came back to the farm to start early registration.

Take a second to imagine what this looked like...a train crashing in slow motion while everyone inside is drowning and the train is on fire...that was registration this whole weekend.

Somewhere between bitter parents, poor planning, pizza, soda, coffee, short jogs, malfunctioning computers, sharpies, hand written papers, cash prizes, no buckles, seven hours of sleep, late night life choices, infinite laughs, too many pictures, baby lambs, werewolf bites, and amazing friends I survived the weekend.
There were about a million things that could have been changed for this weekend. But you live and you learn right?!?!? Apparently we don't all know that rule...

Almost danced my leg off..
As stressful and crazy as this weekend was, it was 100% one for the history books! There was a ton of terrible life choices made, but more than that there were new friends, too much laughing, way too many little moments, and smiling. I had the most amazing time this weekend. I'm sorry that nothing turned out like it was supposed to, but I'm not sorry for the night that I didn't sleep, for the people I met, and the fun I had.

Even though it's taken me virtually half the week to recover, I'm glad I did it.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

College Crisis

You ever have those moments where you feel like its time to reinvent yourself? Or am I the only crazy one!?!

You just want to pack up the car and drive. Dye your hair crazy color. Do all things you thought you never would. Laugh just because you can. Fall in love with life. Enjoy the little things instead of stress...

Yeah that's where I'm at this week.

I think I'm going through some form of a life crisis. I mean in less than 5 months I'm supposed to be a bonafide, get a job and move out, go be productive, adult...WHAT!?!?!? Does anyone want to tell me exactly how I go about doing that!?!? I mean at 20 years old is one really supposed to know what they want to do with the rest of their lives? NO!!!! I can't even go to bar, let alone make adult like choices.

So instead of making adult choices, I chose to dye my hair crazy colors, fall in love with my life, laugh because I can, and waste time with my friends. I think I might pack up my car soon and take a trip. Or take selfies with the stars of Suits!!!

But really I would love for someone to explain to me how I'm supposed to plan the rest of my life in just five short months, I know, I know I've had the last 16 years of schooling to decide, but I'm not really sure I'm ready to do that just yet.

For now I think I might look into whale watching jobs in Alaska or maybe third times a charm at tell me?

Friday, February 7, 2014

XOXO Gossip Girl

After two grueling semesters and 121 episodes later, I have finally finished all 6 seasons of Gossip Girl.

I know it shouldn't be such a crushing blow to my life story, but come on; this was the start of Leighton Meester and the continued debut of Blake Lively. (After seeing her in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, we all wanted to be Bridget, the remake of everyone’s favorite Spice Girl, Sporty Spice.)

With a killer cast of deep voices, Baywatch worthy hair, fashion icons, who wouldn't love to fall in love with the scandalous lives of Manhattan’s Elite?!?!?! Gossip Girl was the start of a revolution, a dedicated fan base of screaming pre-teens who all wished their lives were a bit more glamorous…or scandalous!

So with life brought from the pages of book to the CW, to Serena Van Der Woodsen and Blair Waldorf, the minions were born! Names were shorten to one letter, plaid was back in style, and yogurt was the go breakfast for every want to be Queen.

I will admit, I was a dedicated fan from the beginning, watching all the episodes in real time! (Oh life before Netflix…) I was addicted!!!! I lived for the scandal...

I remember every Monday of my freshman year…sitting on my dorm room floor with my roommates, huddled on some bean bags in front of a 13” TV! Then eventually those Monday’s disappeared and life took over. Gossip Girl was put on the back burner and became one more item on my “must see” Netflix list.

So last semester, after a long waited absence in my life, I started Gossip Girl. Now, I rarely believe in moderation when it comes to Netflix, but for this series I decided to take my time and really enjoy reliving my past pre-teen guilty pleasures.

There is a saying somewhere, “I want a love like Johnny and June.” But when I think true love, I think Chuck and Blair! There is no love that has fought harder, been through more, or seen what their love has. It is an epic love, lives lost, blood shed…epic. So there’s that!

Then there is the never ending debate of who Serena will choose. I have always been a fan of Lonely Boy, but who can resist that Hollister look of Nate’s?

The final greatest part of this heart wrenching show is the fact that my idol, Kristen Bell, is the voice of Gossip Girl! As the world's greatest TV heroin, Veronica Mars, it only seems appropriate to make her the voice behind the boy! And her guest appearance in the final episode was the icing on the cake for my obsession with the lives of the elite. 

So if you have never had the privilege of watching this show in its entirety, I encourage you to do so! Get on Netflix right now!!! Indulge in the show that has tugged at the heartstrings of so many adoring pre-teens who lived to be Queen B!

XOXO Chacheana

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mornings Like These....

There is this strange concept that is like a second mother to most college students. A concept that I haven't had the luxury of grasping for some four years now....


Most normal people start their morning with a cup of coffee, a quick breakfast, and maybe a shower, then they head to work or school and go about their days! My mornings look nothing like that. Mine start with jeans, boots and farm creatures.

I've spent my entire college career, summers including summers, waking up before good old Mr. Sun!

But 2 full weeks of this can really wear a girl down. So when I woke up this morning tired as always, I strategically planned to come home and go back to sleep. Boy was I wrong in the best way! I was at work for a little over four hours with my furry friends and it was so worth it.

I know it seems like a tedious job and that the moo's and BLLLAAAAHHHHSSSS do occasionally get annoying, but this was one of those rare days where I got to see blood shed and lives ruined. JOKE! But I did see blood.

The morning started with several empty hog feeders and virtually no hay! So I go to feed the cows, then I got to help treat one of our cows and see the cutest picture worthy moment!

Babies vs. Mammas
After treating cows, I fed the sheep and my manager noticed one of the sheep had a swollen ear! After wrangling her into the chute, we go to cut her ear open and what came out...that's right, blood! And a whole lot of it!

Not the GIANT left ear!
I hate blood, it freaks me out! I hate giving shots or seeing animals bleed. I can barely handle my own blood. But this totally needed to happen!

Sheep are on a mission to kill themselves and we are here to stop it! So we assume this sheep hit her ear against something or got it stuck somewhere and irritated it! Lucky for us, we got to drain it!

Rocky is so helpful!
These rare moments, where I get to watch and help with treatments are the moments that make me love my job! Very few people get a chance to say something or someone's life depends on them! And I get to say that everyday, which is so cool! It's okay to be jealous, my job pretty much rocks!

But there are down falls to all jobs and my job is not short on those. I have to lift heavy bales and clean up crap, literally, but hey, I get to snuggle with baby animals and keep them alive. So that makes getting up early, just a little easier.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


If you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up....

At age 10 (6th grade): Veterinarian. Because I love puppies and kittens and all thing fluffy.
Age 15 (Junior in high school):  I'm not really sure, Lawyer maybe.
Age 20 (Senior in college): Now you would get a response somewhere equal to this...

It's crazy how over the years your high hopes and dreams deplete down to dismal hopes of merely graduating without getting fat. Everyone says that college is the best four to forty years of your life, depending on how long it takes you to get that History degree. I would have to agree, because after college you're pretty much screwed. You spend your four years in college eating Ramen noddles, binging on cheap booze, going to parties, paying way to much money for books, and avoiding homework all while realizing that only about 12% of your college career is actually spent on the degree part!

So after four years of college I would have to say I am not a single step closer to deciding what I'm doing with my life. But I would like to pretend I have narrowed it down a bit.

When I was in high school, I would have never imagined my college career would end with me cleaning stalls and tagging cows. I would have never guessed that my senior pictures would turn out like this. Or that I would spend all of my off time taking pictures of these guys!

And when I take a second and realize this is my life, I realize, I'm the luckiest girl in the world. I never grew up on a farm or even saw myself working one, but now I get to help run this joint. I get to be there for all the big moments and learn all the amazing things. There are very few people who get to say they love their jobs and I get to do it while I'm in college. Isn't this the point in our lives where we work as underpaid waitresses and get treated like slaves in retail? Apparently not! I'm living it up in hillbillyvile, there's just one catch...16 bales (120 pounds each) every morning.

After four years with the horses and almost three semesters with the sheep and cows, I'm happy to say that I couldn't ask for a better job or a better way to spend my spare time. The opportunities that I have gotten, the people I've met, and the animals I've snuggled have been endless. 

So to those of you who don't absolutely love your jobs or feel some hesitation about sitting behind a desk everyday, I implore you to go out and explore the world and find a job you love!!!! Because life is too short to waste time making a living at something you don't really enjoy.